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Hi Chukuna, from the problems I've had recently, I think you may suffer the same. If you have too many fish and the tank isnt cycled properly and completely, then your fish start to die. Its really awful. Read some of the other posts here and ask questions about "cycling" if you don't quite understand, I didn't! You may end up with an ammonia problem when all those fish start peeing in your tank and the good bugs aren't quite ready to clear it out of the water. What sort of filter have you got? The experts here will be able to advise you what to do, so don't be afraid to ask LOTS of questions, they are really friendly. Good Luck

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sounds like you got a cool display of fish!! but try to have a look at the compatabilities of the fish because some of them don't go very well together. also make sure not to over feed and try to clean tank once a week with a vacuum hose. The cleaning is the most important because you have so many fish and they don't hold on the pooping. try to do a water change of %40-%50. also make sure you do the chemicals like water ager and ph levels.

Hope this helped.

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Oh dear Chakuna, if you have all those fish in that small tank then most of them will die!

A plecostomus will grow way too big for the tank as they are very big fish. Not sure what your sharkfish is but if it is black with a red tail, it too will grow too big.

A goldfish should not be mixed with tropical fish and will start to eat your other fish anyway.

Angelfish will not fit in a tank this size either. A pair of them might, if they were on their own, but not with all the others.

The see through fish must be an x-ray tetra and these are very timid fish who do better in a group of their own kind.

Please see if you can return all the fish to the shop, except for 3 female guppies and 1 male and wait until the tank has cycled before adding more. From the list of other fish, the only ones I would suggest you add to the guppies would be the platys.

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My Advice dude, keep the Guppies and Platys there really good fish to start off with, and shoot the rest off somewhere or sell them. Cause there not going to be happy in a 2ft tank, with some of the neighbours they have, and your not going to be happy when they die and your moneys down the drain and you just lost a pet. With so many fish in a new tank your going to be having all amount of water perameter problems such as amonia sp. Best thing to do, is do some reading ask alot of questions, and then deside what your going to do, we can give you advice on Cylcing periods, what fish go together, and signs of sickness Etc. Theres a big wide world of information on this hobby out there buddy, the learning is honeslty neverending, and you've just stepped into a very interesting learning experience, and a really neat and highly kept hobby at that.


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I agree with everyone and shame on the fish shop who sold you all those fish for a new tank.

If you can't return some of them maybe someone local would buy them off you - perhaps at a reduced price.

To keep the tank going in the meantime you will need to do small water changes often. I made the same mistake as you and I did small water changes daily for 2 or 3 weeks, then went to changes every 2 days, then every 3 days. After about 2 months I reduced it to weekly water changes.

I would change about 20% of the water and I used a chlorine remover in the fresh water. I just changed the water and only vacuumed the gravel lightly about once a week so that the bacteria could build up and the tank would start cycling.

Don't give up, I think most of us have made similar mistakes and its easy to get carried away when first starting out. Good on you for joining the forum and asking for advice, its a great way of learning



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Good luck Chakuna!

The folks here will be a great help to you. But they are right, that is a lot of fish for a new tank. You take their advice and they will help you through this.

You're only 9 years old...wow! I'm a lot older than you and was really nervous about getting an aquarium.

Who will be helping you?

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My dad will be helping me he had an aquarium in south africa for six years and he had all those fish plus a fighter in a tank a bit bigger the fish lasted for a long time. But when we came to new zealand we had to sell them. :cry:

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