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Neolamprologus brichardi


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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, so these little guys are a bit more agro that I figured. I had one years ago and he was a nice peaceful comm fish. The three I have now are definitely grumpier than he ever was. So far all my plecos and BNs are missing bits of fins, as well as kribs and congo tetras. The larger fish haven't been messed with, but I plan on doing SOMETHING to fix the problem before it goes any further. Those little beaks on Tangikan cichlids are vicious!

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Two of them are 4-5cms each with a larger one perhaps 5-6cm. Why keep them in a comm tank? Because 90% of the sites out there on Brichardi say that they're fine in comm tanks with decent size fish. Keep in mind that this is an African Comm tank and Congos are not small, slow or weak like most tetras. It's mostly the GBAs and baby Kribs that are getting nipped.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I'll put up a pic in a few minutes of the "brichardi" that we bought from Hutt Pets. The main reason for the doubt is the fact that the cheek markings are both vertical rather than the usual one vertical, one horizontal of the brichardis we've seen.

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I have a pair of lamprologus Pulchers they have the 2 vertical check bars but your ones still look like "brichardi" except for those markings. I thought they were Red dot brichardi maybe, but they still have the one up one across as well. So Sorry to get you no further :cry:

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The were purchased from Hutt Pets with a special sale on "Brichardi" for $6 each. Here's a pic....


**note - colours aren't usually this bright. These little buggers only hold still for a second at a time and are VERY hard to shoot as they see the camera and are messing with our heads when we try and get pix of them. Pic has been sharpened and the colouraion on the body isn't usually there, more of a pale blue.

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Tiden and Alan - agreed, Olivaceous it is. These guys were terrors at the start when dropped in my peaceful african community tank. Now they're in a tank with a bunch of tetras, WCMM and guppies and they're happy as a clam. Will do more research about behavior but it finally explains this whole thread

- Brichardi's aren't agressive and double check your fish to make sure it's what you think it is....

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Dunno about a pair, but more than likely with three of them. Two of them (which I consider males) have two bars on the cheek (gill cover) like in the picture above and the other one only has the one bar nearest the gills. I've been staring at fin shape and anal fins, but there's not much difference aside from the cheeks.

As they're not Brichardis, there's hardly any info about them online. Anyone know a way to sex these fishies? I was just in Hutt Pets today and forgot to tell them about the incorrect fish identification. Darnit.

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I'm not to sure anymore :-?

They might be like my Pulchers "Daffodil" cause they have yellow dorsal fins and yellow round the eyes and yellow around the start of the side fins.

They really good parents make sure they dont take over your tank though!! :o

Check with these pictures


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I forgot to mention that they say you can tell sexes from the length of there extensions on the fins. Males are supposed to be bigger bodied and when they get bigger the males apparently get a hump on the forehead when mature/full size. Hope this helps you out blue/kim :D

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