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What Polypterus are there available?


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Hollywood have,

polypterus palmas polli $160ish,

polypterus senegal senegalus $140ish,

polypterus delhezi $160ish, but i think they are all sold at mt roskill

polypterus senegal senegalus albino on special $99,

and some ornates, which they wont sell.


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One i would think,

that is around 220ltrs i think, i would go for a senegal as they are one of the smaller bichir, and get to around 12".

As for price, well, hopefully if more and more poeple get interested in these kind of fish, maybe the price may come down.

These fish are totaly worth it though.

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Polypterus senegal have been bred regularly in home aquaria, but the young are highly cannibalistic and may need to be seperated in accordance with their size.

I have a polypterus delhezi going on 21cm, and a small senegal I purchased last week. Once I can establish the gender of the senegal I intend to get it a mate.

If you want an attractive bichir, go with the delhezi They start off rather unremarkable, but do turn into interesting and well marked beasts. If you want one with more character that you might possibly breed, go with the senegal (which is slightly cheaper). Get an ornate if you can, or better yet, tell ME its available and I'll get it :D. Ornates are generally considered the most beautiful of the family, and also get a bit larger.

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