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polypterus senegal senegalus (albino)


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Albino senegal or albino bichir as more commonly know,

these guys get to a size of around 12" in aquaria, can tolerate a wide range of water perameters, and eat just about anything on the meaty menu.

I would hightly recommend this fish for a larger fish community, not aggressive, and aggressive fish usually dont bother them either.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes they do eat tetras or anything small enough to fit in their mouths, i keep mine with discus and angelfish with no problems. They can be kept with a broad range of fish, i had mine in with some aggressive cichlids, and he was never bothered, i just got a bit sick of the fighting between the aggressive fish.

Hope this helps. I have found it to be a good combo :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi fellow bichir owners. do any of you know how to sex both the Albino senegal and the Delhezi?

i was told that if the senegal has a fatty anal fin then its a male but i dont know the truth in that.....

i would love to know the sex of my ones...

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Hi candy, bichir can be sexed by looking at the anal fin.

Males have a fatter anal fin that they can cup around,looks almost like a cupped hand.

Females have a thinner anal fin, some species can be sexed earlier than others, i think usually from about 4" onwards, but that can also vary as well. :D

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