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thought i would share my nightmare. actually, having read some of the posts here it isnt that bad....but right now feels it!

got up this morning and found my rainbow shark dead. :cry: as one of my favourite fish i didnt really enjoy that discovery.

So, time to clean the tank out. managed to overflow a bucket, then cleaned the ehiem prof filter out, again managed to flood the carpet. then, was closing the filter and the latch part snapped!!!! a few swear words later i composed myself enough to think of what to do now. Thankfully working in an LFS comes in handy, phoned work and i can go in and swap the broken latch for a new one. However, cant do that till later this afternoon as someone is coming to buy some birds (some of you know i'm a bit short of cash right now). so now i'm worried about all the good bacteria. had given the filter a good clean out, and now it is sitting there turned off. Will add loads of cycle, but is there anything else i can do?? will be off for about 4-5 hours in total. I dont have a spare filter i can use, and my other tank has a fitted filter that I can't move.

well, heres hoping the day gets better!!!!!!

Feel better now i've got it all out!!


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I wouldn't be too worried about the tank it would be fine for a couple of days or more without the filter going (assuming it isn't too newly setup), to help your filter give it a quick clean (sounds like you have already) and put the media (trays) into the tank to keep the water on them and warm etc, they will be fine. You would proberly be okay just leaving the media in the filter with tank water, then dumping the water before you plug it back in, but if you put the media into the tank you KNOW it will okay.

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thanks guys. will put the media baskets in the tank as suggested. Am going to get the new clip now, so fingers crossed will be ok.

The tank has been set up for about 8 months, so there should be lots of bacteria around.

thanks again


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Here is something I will share with you guys, some of which may find quite humourous. I was preparing to do a water change on my AR 620T when I decided to accidentally drop the lighthood into the tank completley submerging it. The lights were both turned on but luckily for some reason I had plugged the lighthood power plug into my computers switchboard which has protectors on it PHEW! So my computer and lighthood shutdown, not electructing myself or the fish. :)

Took out the lighthood and dried it out over a week dismantling all the parts and tried it and it was fine thank god. I'd hate to replace cause they would probably cost hundreds.

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