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melafix and ??


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I'm not familiar with the melafix...but I had a fish with Ich right after I got my tank...treated with Ich Guard...cured no problem.

The experienced folks here can tell you about the melafix...then I can learn about it too :oops:

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I have found that Melafix can help with fungal infections like finrot and mouth fungus and helps heal wounds. Don't know about using it for ich, but you have to be careful with the other stuff that turns the water blue as some plecs and neon tetras don't take to well to it, well that's what I have found anyway.

I often add melafix to my water though as a preventative for things whenever I see one of my fishies scratching and can't say for sure but I have had a lot less diseases since I started doing this, there may be other reasons too though, like experience I guess.

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Before putting anything in your tank look up what's the mater with your fish so you know what medication you need and read the labels it whil tel you olmost efery thing that you need to know (most of the time).

Melafix is a mild antiseptic and it help's with faster reparing of skin and fins and a couple other thinks as well. It will not efect you good bacteria. Most of the time it's not a problem to use it with other medication.

Always read the labels before use.


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