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Dwarf Gourami sexing


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How do you tell the difference between the male and female dwarf gouramis? :-? I have 2 neon's, 2 cobalt blue, and 2 red/orange with bluey fins all dwarf in a community tank. One of the neons keeps building a bubble nest and is aggressive around it naturally but the others are trying to help him. We had a visitor yesterday who commented that the female cobalt was full of eggs and I should move her to a breeding tank, so I moved her to a small 20 litre tank I had along with the bubble nest and the other cobalt who seems to be building also. Have I done the right thing as he is being agressive to her? She was hanging around with one of the neons. What should I do???

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No I'm not sure, but this one fish is sooooo fat and has a sort of fluffy stuff out its rear end at the mo and has been flirting with the others. Its is a colbalt blue colour but the only difference I can see between this fish and the others is that one fin is more rounded.

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