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Newbie first pet fish is killifish!!!


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I have just bought 3 different kind of killifish and would like to breed them seem they so cute.. :lol: :lol: . i read for hours on breeding killifish but i still dont know how to tell if the female is ready or how u condition them to become ready for breeding and hear something about breeding peroid what is that ??:(:( .. Can anyone help??


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Hi shae, i am the guy that bought the 4 golden wonder and 3

Nothobranchius guentheri of u. i bought another pair of

Fundulopanchax gardneri Albino at pet shop.. :lol: :lol: i know what kind of breeding system to use on the fish but i dont know how to get the female ready to breed.. like how to condition them and know when is there breeding period :cry::cry: ..... how can i tell if the female is ready to breed...


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Nothobranchius Palmqvisti, not Guentheri.

I think ive already Explained to Shiush but he musnt have passe don the info.

Like ive said the best way to condition your females is to chuck heaps and heaps of live and frozen foods into them. Female Nothobranchius stomachs should always look like there going to burst! this way they are more than happy to breed with the males and release there eggs to lessn the pressure on there bodies, and with so much livefood being packed into them there produceing heaps and heaps of eggs. There is never a breeding period. Just aslong as ur females are always well fed they will always breed. Remember the small container or drowned peat! because they are peat spawners.

The lineatus and Albino gardneri are different, personaly i havnt had any experience with the albino gardneri but i would think the jsts of it are very similair. Keep all the fish well fed, preferably in a bare bottom tank, with a big mop. Check the mops when desired, for eggs. Remember they hatch in about 2 weeks.


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The reason we use bare bottomed bases is that it is easier to clean.

But often you will find all the species at time, forcing onto the bottom.

When they do that on a bare bottom, the eggs are very easily predated upon,

so a thin layer of gravel overcomes this, and the eggs can be left to hatch from the gravel or swirled and the eggs extracted that way.

Alan 104

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last time they did got a bit sick might be the water but i change them in to another bigger tank with new water for few day now and gill still a it red so i am not to sure what to do..


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nop my tank last time was a bit small i think only 45 x 30 x 30 and got filter and other staff in it (a bit crawded i think) but this time i put them in to bigger one a 60 x 30 x 36 with filter and other.

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ow yea my golden wonder spawn last night.... first egg i notice :D:D but when i try to get it out the other fish ate it.. :o:o:( but is ok is good new for me which i know they started to breed.... just need to make a mob now.. and wait for other kind to become ready to breed... :D:D

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thx alan.... i will seprate them when i got my new tank..... i got two now getting more..... thx for the advise...... and alan can u email me on the detail about joining nzka.... thx

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hi, all good news this two day i have collect 30 eggs... and i have put them in to a seprate container and can see two egg starting to develop.. this is my first time with egg hope will be a success one... thx!!

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thx shea and stu, i got two differend side of egg... one bigger and one smaller so my guess is one from golden wonder and the other from the albino one...... the egg looking good and haven got a fungus egg yet so is all good now hope it continue like this :lol: :lol:

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yes shiuh, today i collected 67 eggs very happy with that seen only got three female spawning. Hope they not over work :lol: :lol: for now just need to take care of those egg carefully.. and hope soon i got fry.. :D:D so excited first time working with egg spawning fish.. :D:D

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