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Question: Tank drilling


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Hi again. I was wondering how I would go about drilling 2 holes in my tank for my sump (in/outlets) The tank is an AR 620T, which I am pretty sure is glass but have been told otherwise. Can I just use a standard drill with sawmouth drill pieces? Or what do I use. Also, what sealant do I use around the gap of the pipe?


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I've not heard of anyone using lasers to cut glass, certainly not here.

Cutting glass hole is easy. Cutting them in pre-made tanks is hit or miss. Does't matter if its toughend or not.

If it was me, i'd do it myself.

You would be much better off starting with a purpose made tank. I think the root of your problems lie with trying to 'retrofit' a tank to do something it was never designed to do. I suspect if you carry on down this route you will end up spending a lot of money to get a less than stellar result. Only my opnion though, if you are set on the existing tank/stand and are commited to using it, I am sure you will work it out.

Good luck


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yep, found this info on the net to confirm,

once a glass object has been tempered it can not be cut without complete failure. The glass must be cut to its desired size and any drilling, sanding or etching must be done before tempering.
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The aqua-one tanks are fine to be drilled.

I have drilled quite a few.


You can use either proper glass drill bits or some of the drill bits that they use for drilling tiles, i have used both.

I would only drill the back panel, because if you do break it you will find the back panel eaiser to replace.

Just make sure when you drill you use lots of water and drill from both sides of the glass.


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So I take it that they are not toughend.

I hope that they are not new stock that Paul B is talking about that has been toughend.


The last one i drilled was about a week ago, one of the newer ones

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