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my new desktop nano for work


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well some interesting observations of the tank so far

pods are king. tons of them swimming around now, even saw a few getting their grooves on. :oops:

my crab doesnt seem to agree with my coral placement and has moved a brain frag away from his little home

my zoos that i moved from my tank at home had quite long stalks wether it be because of the flow or light i dont know but since been in this tank they have retracted and are looking more normal now

starpolyps dont seem to fully extend untill 2 hours after lights on

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i have 3 little yellow star polyps steve gave me that look like E.T. on steroids (thats the polyps, not steve :D i had several more but they floated around the tank and disappeared somewhere) anywho the little buggers wont populate. how do they spread? is it like xenia does when its stalk attaches to another rock and it splits?

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so co-worker A comes over to look at my tank and says "oh where are the fish?" so i reply i need to find the right one but i kind of like it the way it is.

reply - "so you just like to have it empty, isnt that boring??"

co worker B stumbles past and catches a glance for the first time and i hear a "wow thats so cool" good old mr B

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

first little patches of corraline have started growing on the back wall and on the heater. :)

i will be adding a few more corals this week and the clown fish will be living in here untill the new big tank is up and running with sump and all

pics will be taken once clown and corals are in the tank and happy

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clown nice and happy now that ive fed him, rearranged the corals into their more permanent homes (i had some light sensative corals that where in the shade to accustomize themselves) and moved the heater so that i cant really see it while im "working"

ill upload the pics tonight

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