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Hi there, name is Clinton and am from Dunedin, NZ. I have just converted from fresh water tropical to marine tropical and am in the third week of curing my tank so that the fish can go in. However I am a complete newbie when it comes to the in's and outs of marine. I've got my live rock in the tank at the moment and only 3 weeks in I'm getting algie, quite long 1-2cm long in places most exposed to light as I have a small 10 watt bulb which sits in the middle of the rocks.

The tank I've got is a Aqua 1 AR-620T which is the tall version. I've heard all the lingo with protein skimmmers e.c.t. Would someone please care to explain as the pet shop have only really told me the basics.



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welcome, i believe you are the only marine keeper in dunedin on the board.

what did you want an explanation of?? was it the way protien skimmers work or cycling the tank?

both are fairly easy to understand experiance plays a large part of it, and getting good advise is the best way to save money in the long run (usually form people that have made the mistakes for you)

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welcome, i believe you are the only marine keeper in dunedin on the board.

what did you want an explanation of?? was it the way protien skimmers work or cycling the tank?

both are fairly easy to understand experiance plays a large part of it, and getting good advise is the best way to save money in the long run (usually form people that have made the mistakes for you)

Yes indeed Brianemone. Marine tropical has only just hit the scene in Dunedin, whereas 4 months ago there was no supplier of fish at all, maybe the odd part e.c.t so I believe alot of items were shipped from Christchurch. What I didn't understand was the how all these gadgets work and the gadgets that I need for my tank.


Sorry, I forgot to add. These protein skimmers are $80 in the local petshops. Is this reasonalbe as its just a piece of plastic with an airstone e.c.t or is there more to it?

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cool, well first of all that link above is good reading as far as the skimmers go. I personally dont feel confident in my knowledge of skimmers to make one, but its an option for those who are that way inclined.

imo a skimmer is a great investment for a marine tank, i know a guy here in hamilton that ran a big aquaone tank stock and it did ok as a fish only tank but none of his corals prospered due to water quality issues and the level of light. my advise to him was to get rid of the stock filtration as it is more suited to fresh water, and to put a hang on the back skimmer on the tank.

other than that it depends on what your plans are for the tank. Full reef, fish only, soft coral tank, hard coral tank. the gadgets you need will depend on your preference

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Hey again. I am going to start at the bottom and not go heads first into it like I did with fresh tropical and what a disaster! I'm just starting with 2 nemo's atm and will look at changing the lighting and filtration system for live corals later on down the track and ONLY when I have mastered the art of just keeping the nemo's alive lol.


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good idea, fish as so easy as they tolerate quite high nitrates, how much rock you got in kg and is it pure base rocks straight into you tank....

add beeter kit then move into corals, def the best path mate.

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Hi again Brian. I'm not sure because there is a AR 620 and a AR 620-T, the T being my one (taller) Yet on the aqua one site for the normal 620 it says 90 litres yet the 620T is much taller and the yet the same dimensions e.c.t So I'm not exactly sure but iwll have to find out before the fish go in to obtain the correct salt additives. I currently have 60 litres worth (salt) in the tank due to gravel and rocks.

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