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Filter killed my betta


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I have a tropical tank. I firstly put pleco in it which are doing well. I then got some neon tetras and a betta fish.

The tank is the aqua one eco style 61. The filter seems to have killed my betta, he was stuck to it dead.

Is there a different attachment i can get for these filters or should i install a different filter? We really want a betta as the main feature fish so seeing their long fins as an ongoing issue

Thanks for your help

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  • 2 weeks later...

A betta likes little current. Just because the fish was found stuck to the filter doesn't mean the filter killed it. Whatever the reason it died, it would eventually end up sucked against the pipe if you had not noticed it earlier.

You can put a piece of sponge on the end of it if you like. You can buy sponges that fit over filter pipes anyway as people who breed fish often use sponge filters so the replacement sponges, which you can shove onto the end of various filters, are readily available in pet shops.


How long have you had the tank set up and how many fish do you have in it? If not cycled, the fish would have died from poor water conditions. Bettas are not a good addition to a new tank as they prefer a mature set-up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The tank is well established as originally had tadpoles in it. Once they left 1/4 of the water was kept as I'd lowered it as they turned into frogs and were released. I just have water snails, plecos and one neon tetra remaining now. I put a sponge bit over the end of filter now. I got a new betta fish and doing ok so far.

The tank is so clean that with 10% water changes the tank is not looking dirty at all ever. I did do a ph test at the shop...dont kno much about tests...it was within the right range... sorry I cant remember what number...keep thinking was it 7? The line was probably the 2nd darkest color on the chart the guy had at the shop. 

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It is good the tank water doesn't look dirty but you can have crystal clear water but still have too many nutrients or some other problem with it. The pH is not as important as the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate.

A betta will live 2 - 5 years generally and it will be 3 - 12 months at least when you buy it but if you chose the biggest, nicest looking one in the shop tank, it was probably also the oldest so could even be older.

Good luck with this betta.

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