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What killed my Angelfish - Photos Attached


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Hi Matt,

Not a lot to go on with your brief description.. but at least you got some pics..

Perfectly happy and healthy one night, missing half its scales and fins the next and dead the next morning, any ideas? The other Koi Angel seems perfectly fine.

First off.. who else is in the tank...?

Fish don't "naturally" get like this overnight... so obviously something has had a go at it.

How old are the fish...?

It may be that you have two mature fish and the other Koi was trying to get into spawning mode.. but the one in the pic was not too keen.. so the other begame agressive and beat the hell out of it.

Possibly then... (due to its rundown condition).. the others (if any).. had a go at it, and so it had no defense to fight back.

Looked like a real nice fish Matt... and sorry to hear about your loss.

Hope you can find a decent replacement.

Check the other Koi for a few battle scars... it might give you a clue.

Just a footnote here:

Angels in groups can become very much like a gang of stroppy kids, and often if the most dominant of the pack is picking on a weaker less dominant fish, then most of the rest of the group will often join in with the hassling of the less dominant one.

This might also be the case if you have a few of them in there... but as I say... Few Details.


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Sorry for the lack of info, I was in a bit of a hurry. The other occupants of the tank are 2 Keyholes, 1 Cockatoo Cichlid, 1 Blue Ram, 4 Congo Tetras, 4 Corydoras, 2 Rummy Nose and 1 Large Female Bristlenose. The Angelfish basically looked like half it's skin had either been shaved or melted off. I suspected it might have been the Female Bristlenose, the Congo's or some sort of disease. I didn't see any of the other fish attacking it after I noticed it was sick. One of the Rummy Nose also looked like half of its face had been eaten or burnt, I found it in the mouth of one of the Congo's shortly after.

I purchased 9 baby angelfish a month ago, 4 veiltails, 3 Leopards and Two Koi. All I have left now is one Koi, they all seemed to get sick and die one by one. The Two Koi Angelfish definitely seemed to be the strongest , healthiest and least quarrelsome out of all the others.

The tank is 250 litres with A Fluval 404 and Aquaclear 150 and is heavily planted. Ph 6.8 Ammonia 0 tanks has been running for over a year now.



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About 40mm long, I am starting to suspect the Congo Tetras. I went to drop a mosquito I squashed into the tank and one of them bit it out of my fingers before I even touched the surface of the water :o , gave me a hell of a fright

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Hi Matt,

You say:

The other occupants of the tank are 2 Keyholes, 1 Cockatoo Cichlid, 1 Blue Ram, 4 Congo Tetras, 4 Corydoras, 2 Rummy Nose and 1 Large Female Bristlenose.

Picking at straws here... but my thoughts would be the Keyholes.

In a "line up" of the criminals.. the Congo's are not "usually" classed as an aggresive fish.. but more of an "after predator".. which will go into a feeding frenzy if a tasty morsal is on the menu... namely fresh fish... or fingers :)

The other possibles...

The Other Angel... Primary.

Cockatoos... hardly.

Rams... Hardly.

Corys... no chance.

Rummys... hardly likely.

Female BN... not sure.

One thing is certain.. they would all possibly of had a go once the first damage was done to the Angel.


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Hi everyone thanks for your comments,


I never suspected the Keyholes but they can be pretty moody, one minute they are all over each other and the next they can't stand each other :roll: . I thought Mr's Keyhole was dead after I got the Angels as she disappeared for two weeks, maybe it was her revenge for having her tank taken over.



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my best guess would be the keyholes, the pair i have were mako keyholes, they are the only fish i have that wont take any crap from the spawning cons, everything i had in the tank with them at the time was at least 2 times their size and they bullied the lot, blame the keyholes i say :evil:

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I checked the tank last night and noticed Mr Keyhole has had the ends nipped off his fins and a bite taken out of his tail, I guess the Angelfish picked the wrong fish to mess with :D .

I must apologise to my Congo Tetras for wrongly accusing them :lol: .



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