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Tell me about Bettas please


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I would like some bettas in my tank, I just love the colours. But I know nothing about keeping them.

Can you have males and females together?

Can you have more than one male? I suspect this answer will be No.

Can you have more than one female?

What happens when they are breeding - do they get aggressive to each other?

What else should I know? lol



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I know a guy who keeps 4 males in the same tank, and its about half the size and not planted like yours jude, They are related to the piranah family, but i havnt found them aggressive, and ive watched these fellas in his tank and they dont hassle each other at all, if anything i would say they enjoy each others company. Ive also heard of alot of ppl keeping more than one male in a tank, This is something i will be trying in my fishroom. I couldnt say no to having those sortta colours together in a tank. However others will tell you NO do not mix, Its up to you.

Yes the males can become aggresive when tending to his nest, if you have female and they make a nest, you can fix the aggresion problem by removeing the bubblenest. If you intend on breeding them let the male tend to his nest and remove the female after shes released her eggs. Im no expert on anabantiods so thats about all i can tell you.


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Hey Jude

As a rule its 1 male per tank but you can keep more than 1 female together , at the momment i have my two females together in my 2nd community tank and not only are they fine but just love hanging around together.

You can keep females and the male together too, but have plenty of hiding places for the female because if he wants to mate and she doesn't he can get very aggressive towards her and could even kill her.

I think they are neat fish too, ours nested and we watched them under the bubble nest release eggs, i took the female out when they finished and left the male looking after the nest but nothing hatched. i'm letting her rest in her old tank for a few weeks before trying again.

Good luck with your Jude :D:D:D

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Shae said:

They are related to the piranah family,

Then said:

Im no expert on anabantiods so thats about all i can tell you.

Well you got the "second" part possibly right Shae... but certainly not the first part.

Please get your info riight before posting :)


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You ARE correct Shae.

Sorry Pegasus.

Another mis-leading post by Alan.

When I'm wrong... I admit it..

If I'm not sure.. I keep my mouth closed. :)

Sorry Shae.. No offence meant, but others besides the first poster will read these posts, and your original statement above could definitely be mis-leading.

Hmm, i think ive read about three books that have mentions bettas being distantly related to piranha?

No official reference of this type would have reached publication.

Oh well, everyone makes mistakes Bill, instead of telling me im wrong why dont you be helpful and correct me?

The topic is Betta splendens.. do a Google search Shae. :)


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anyways how about those fighters.....pretty little things aye....

As mentioned earlier most people find only one male per tank tho dividers are fine and usually a good option if u are short on space and want more than one male. sometimes if the males are from the same spawn and have been raised together with no seperation then u may get away with them being in the same tank.

i have had a group of them in my tanks together since birth and only had to seperate one so far for agression.

there can definitely be more than one female per tank but make sure you have plenty of hiding places just in case cos as with the males there will sometimes be one female who is more dominant than the others and will pick on the others in the tank.

other than that it is all dependant on the individual fish and all i can say is enjoy them they are gorgeous fish and any questions dont hesitate to ask.

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Hahaha! Yer yer yer - I know Alan. pmsl! :roll: :lol:

Im abit slowwwwww this morning, had a hell nite lastnite! Not quite awake still! Hehe! lol! 8) :wink::P :lol:


Bit early in the week isn'

t it be having benders already, man you must be serious bout getting out :P:P:P:D :lol: :lol:

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unfortunately i am not one to do alot of ph testing on my water until something goes wrong....or i move house......

generally as long as the water is not too acidic or alkaline then they will be fine - i keep mine in with pleco, cory, barbs (female fighters that is), platy etc and they all fine......

i dont test often cos if i start to worry about the water then i start to loose fish cos im always trying to fix it.........

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Misty..... I only have the one female and she is lovely and a peaceful fish in the tank....however....when she is feeling amorous she is lil-miss-nasty and quite hard on the boyfriends. She frightened off her favourite boyfriend. (Sadly, he has since died...although not due to her attack I think....I had to shift him from a tank and he sulked and didn't recover). The only one she 'mated' with she was quite violent with....definitely she was the boss of the situation....is this normal for bettas as I keep hearing it is the male that can get aggressive.

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Hi Shelley, you are right. The females can get just as aggressive to each other as the boys can and can even kill each other if they are allowed. I had 2 females and one of them a very good breeder the other just for looks but thinking that they would be ok together I put them in and took out the divider and the next day my presious breeder was dead. the other female was looking really happy with herself. I think there wasnt enough hiding places for her. But they can be kept together if you have heaps of plants. sorry for rambling they are a new hobby and i am loving it. :lol:

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