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Time for Christchurch reef meeting


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A week ago I would have said yes.

But the way I've been treated recently in this forum for trying to get help for people that can't afford and may never be able to afford to keep the more elaborate systems which are not neccessary to keep a basic setup running well has put me off the idea of even staying in this forum let alone meeting people.

I've been in Fish Forums in Europe and the US and have never seen people treated in the way these guys treat beginners They have always helped people within there budget so they can do the best they can.

Quite frankly I don't think I would be missed.


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Hey Aaron-

I know that it can get ugly on here from time to time, but don't give up on us yet. I think you have been a real contribution to the forum and think it would be great to get together for a friendly chat about our little hobby. Come along to the reef meeting and meet some of the reefers in your area. We've been getting together informally for a while and it has been really good. I’ve learned a lot, shared a lot and exchanged quite a few corals (mainly on the receiving end as of yet, but will be handing out my share soon).

I hope you change your mind and decide to join in. If not, I am sure that I will run into you sooner or later at one of the fish shops and we can catch up then.



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A week ago I would have said yes.

But the way I've been treated recently in this forum for trying to get help for people that can't afford and may never be able to afford to keep the more elaborate systems which are not neccessary to keep a basic setup running well has put me off the idea of even staying in this forum let alone meeting people.

I've been in Fish Forums in Europe and the US and have never seen people treated in the way these guys treat beginners They have always helped people within there budget so they can do the best they can.

Quite frankly I don't think I would be missed.

It is quite sad really that you have to revert to feeling like this. I guess (this) saltwater forum has always been like this, ever since I joined it anyway :D You almost need to earn a reputation here before you are taken seriously.

I think that if you actually go and meet some of these people, you will find that their online vindictive side will disappear :D

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Hey Aaron -

I think things get heated on forums and in reality people are mostly nice folk. That used to happen on other forums Ive observed - not just fishkeeping.

Maybe its because we all love our hobby so much that people are opinionated on here. I believe meeting people is better anyway - you dont get stuff out of context and have the ability to discuss differences of opinion amicably rather than so vehemently as happens on this type of media.

I for one would like to meet any other reefer in my area.

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Aaron - Welcome to the Internet.

If you think your treatment on this board has been unfair or in breach of the rules for this site report it to a MOD. I've seen some of your posts and I would say that you give as good as you get. Just because someone does't agree with you doesn't mean they don't like you, or arn't even interested in hearing what you have to say.

People come here to learn and to share, like EVERY other forum I am invloved with there is always debate. I think you will find that even the people that you may feel are giving you a hard time would love to meet and would readly invite you into their home to discuss and debate the finer points of the hobby.

Go to the meeting, if anyone starts to get to lippy, give em the bash ;)


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I would be keen, whats the date? where? petworld :wink:

as joeblog said a few of us are already doing it, it would be good to see more people, i could get a few that arn't on this forum aswell.

Control. There is alot that goes on in here (i should be carefull what i say)

i think if you meet the people it would be heaps different. most of the others are up north anyway, so no problem.


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Depending on time and date I would be interested - just to meet people since I don't have marines.

We only have a garden centre here selling basic freshwater fishes, no lfs at all. We travel to ChCh to get fish or sometimes Nelson but bigger range in ChCh.

I am sure anyone is welcome to attend this, no matter where you come from aquagold.

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Don't forget me :) i'll be in.

Aaron i know what ya mean dude, but most people i've meet in christchurch that are on this forum are really easy down to earth people and it'd be great to put another face to another name, plus we all have something in common so what can go wrong :).

Hope to see you there.


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Ok was not expecting such fast responce on this. So the big queston is do we have the first meeting at one of our places or should it be on neutral ground like a pub, Fishshop (this option could be out due to numbers and stores not being to keen to a bunch of fish junkies standing around talking). Day and time is the tricky one as trying to get a large number of people togeather never seems to be easy. I think that saturday / sundays afternoon would be the best for me but that will not suit everyone so lets here your opinions on a time and place.

I think we sould look at meeting once and share the meeting place around to see one anothers tanks.

I will put my hand up for first meeting place if this suits better than a pub or store. Ps my tank is not as impressive as some but still all welcome.

Almost forgot how does the weekend after mothers day sound for everyone.

Dave :D

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I think that saturday / sundays afternoon would be the best for me but that will not suit everyone so lets here your opinions on a time and place.

I think we sould look at meeting once and share the meeting place around to see one anothers tanks.

I will put my hand up for first meeting place if this suits better than a pub or store.

Hey Dave-

Saturday/Sunday sounds good to me (except for weekend after next since I will be snorkeling in Rarotonga!)

I like the idea of rotating houses as well to check out each other’s tanks. There seems to be quite a few of us, so it would be quite a while before it came around to your own place again. So hopefully, we would be able to notice/appreciate some nice growth and any new additions/changes each meeting.



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Houses is cool with me - put me at the bottom of the list to host though or you will be looking at a blank wall till i get my act together, lol.

Joeblog - you git ! Raratonga whilst we are freezing our chestnuts here in Chch. Grrrr :evil: If any members of your party breaks their leg and you need someone to fill in.......

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Weekend afternoons would be good for me to give us time to drive down and back in one day. I can't make it the weekend after Mothers Day though as we are attending the fish dinner in Wgtn with the North Island contingent (and staying at pies' house to admire his tank again).

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Just thought this would be useful to keep an easy track of whose in...

nodle pomereef joeblog control caryl TM aquagold lduncan BK kermit anal fin

Weekends, pm, shared home hosting seems to be the order of the day.

I will edit this post as any more are added.

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