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Effects of Different Water Sources


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So I recently moved from the country into a suburban home, which means swapping from rain water to town water.

When on rain water I was fighting (and losing) a never ending algae issue, to the point that unless I did 50% water changes 2x a week I couldn't see the back of my tank. The algae in the water was thriving, while the plants were dying. I even did a 100% water change at one point as well as a 4 day blackout, but within a week I had green water again. Water tests always came back the same - 0 ammonia & nitrite, 5 nitrate and it didn't matter how little I fed the fish. I also randomly lost quite a few various fish over the few months, despite the good water tests. The only good thing was I had two VERY fat otos!

I've now had the tank setup in my new home for a week, on town water... and it is absolutely clear as glass. I know it's early days, but the plants are really starting to thrive again and there isn't even a hint of green cloudiness forming. Water tests have come back good so the filter wasn't knocked at all during the move or with the sudden change in water chemistry. Fish are thriving, and the ram that developed what I believe to be Hole in Head with secondary infection appears to be healing slowly *touch wood*.

Just wondering if anyone else has had similar experiences? There must have been something in the rain water that was causing the issues - perhaps there was residue coming from a dirty filter, or something the rain water was picking up in the sky over the ocean & farmlands....

I'm just glad I can actually see and enjoy watching the fish in my aquarium now!

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Calculator is correct. However if your tank water was high in phosphates that would have been feeding the algae.

I hope the water stays clear for you then at least you will know your previous experience was not anything you were doing wrong. :)

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Seems most people have the opposite experience, water clears up when they start using rain water.

All I've ever used is rainwater, but after the first few years I've had barely more than a few stray bits of algae in my tank.

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Interesting, thanks.

I tried cutting back light time from 10 to 6hrs and the tank had next to no direct sunlight at the old place. Cut back feeding too. Nothing seemed to help.

At the new place it hasn't really got any access to direct sunlight either, and the lights are on for 10hrs a day with daily feeding. Still no algae *touch wood*

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