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My new Frog Terrarium


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I got a new (aka second hand off TM ) terrarium for Christmas, which I have spent today installing, and putting substrate, plants, water container, rocks etc into. Plan is to keep a pair of Green and Gold Frogs. The terrarium is 60 x 45 x 45 cm, which seems like the right size for a pair.

Here are a couple of photos of what I have set up so far. The 'pond' is in a plastic container, so I can take it out and replace with a second identical container when it needs cleaning, as I don't really have to option of a full-time electricity supply for a filter for the terrarium at present. Looks a bit less than 'natural' but seems the best option for now.

Should I have more 'upright' elements in the design, eg branches etc? Or is that only necessary for whistling tree frogs?

The substrate is mostly sphagnum moss, with some ordinary moss, some potted plants (a fern, what I think is 2 varieties of Pothos, and climbing Ficus, plus some very small pieces of a native bog plant that will fill in around the sides and back of the pond once it grows a bit) rocks and wood. If I put some pieces of Pothos in a pot filled with hydroponic granules, would that sit in the pond and help to keep the water clean?




Any helpful comments much appreciated.

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That's pretty good I had a frog tank (about 200l) and I filled one half with dirt and the other half with water they loved it they even layer egged a few times but then ate them there was even a pop of grey worms in mine maybe you could just put shallow water all through the bottom of the tank and they could use that wood as their land

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Nice tank :)

I've noticed mine like to hang out up high near the light-- basking I suppose-- and use most of the wood and rocks that I have in the tank, but then will quickly plop back into the water to hide if something scares them. So I'd guess that if you put more wood in there then they would use it :) From what I have read they are equally good at swimming and climbing.

In terms of the water I just have the water, no filter at the moment, up to 15 cms high in the tank and then have rocks and sand piled up in a corner plus a large basking rock to use as their land :) I will add a small filter (it /says/ its meant for 10 litres but is reasonably powerful) to increase water circulation/mechanical and biological filtration once the rest of my tadpoles have turned (they don't seem to appreciate the flow). At the moment I have a lot of plants in the water-- pothos, acorus, peace lily, duckweed, syngonium-- which seem to help keep the quality decent. I also do 50% water changes 3-4x a week-- you wouldn't need to do it this much, I'm mainly doing it to keep the water quality good for the tadpoles, they produce a lot of waste and are messy eaters lol. The ice cream container looks like it would work well :)

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