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Using furan 2 on entire 200L tank help!!

Fish Frenzy

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There's still some on Trademe, and AquariumsuppliesNZ is still selling it for about $22ish. I grabbed some more about two days ago.

They aren't getting it in legally though so it may disappear at any moment depending on whether they get caught at customs

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I still don't see how we know they're getting products in illegally. And it'll probably sell out well before they get 'caught', considering it's already in NZ. I'm just letting people know where they can get it from so they can save their fish.

Oh no I don't mean all their products - just furan 2. It requires registration which would be costing them at least $1000 in fees and they don't have the product registered meaning it's simply slipped through. I can say 100% confidently that the way they are getting furan 2 is not legal. I'm not worried about it being shared, it's just a note for the future that they're likely not a long term source.

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Oh no I don't mean all their products - just furan 2. It requires registration which would be costing them at least $1000 in fees and they don't have the product registered meaning it's simply slipped through. I can say 100% confidently that the way they are getting furan 2 is not legal. I'm not worried about it being shared, it's just a note for the future that they're likely not a long term source.

How do you know they don't have the product registered?

The other week you said the same about Kusuri and sellers. I have seen the documentation that those who bring it in show - its all above board. Who are we to state something is illegal when it is being allowed to come it and those letting it in, are the very people who have access to all the necessary information.

It's a very dangerous practice to make statements like that.

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How do you know they don't have the product registered?

The other week you said the same about Kusuri and sellers. I have seen the documentation that those who bring it in show - its all above board. Who are we to state something is illegal when it is being allowed to come it and those letting it in, are the very people who have access to all the necessary information.

It's a very dangerous practice to make statements like that.

Have I? If I have, then I sincerely apologise - the only trace I can find about me discussing Kusuri is this: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=68104&p=720206&hilit=kusuri#p720206 where I made no statements whatsoever.

AquariumSuppliesNZ has now confirmed with me that they have not registered the product. I really do try to make sure I know things before making statements.

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