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angelfish in 200l

Fish Frenzy

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hello guys, still new here trying to figure out how it all works. I just wanted some advice on putting angelfish into my 200l. Will be traveling down to auckland and will pick up some fish at hollywood fish farm. I currently have 1 dwarf gourami, 10 neons, around 8 golden barbs, 5 corys, thinking about getting some khuli loaches and more tetras. :f77: After seeing a couple of vids of 200l community tanks with angels I was thinking about getting a couple for my planted 200l (55g). Do you guys think this would be ok and the fish would get along? I heard angels can get aggressive when breeding and could or will eat smaller tetras. :ske: But I saw many vids of tanks like mine with tetras and angels??? :fshi:

any help would be appreciated

thanks :)

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