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Extra tank...what can i use this for?


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I have just bought a 900x450x450 tank along with all the equipment needed for a tropical aquarium.

I also have a 445x240x250 tank that i used to keep axolotl and goldfish in. The small tank has a pump (108 litres an hour) and an air stone.

Can anyone tell me if this tank can be used for anything? possibly breeding? and what additional equipment would i need to convert it into a tropical tank

Thanx in advance :hail::hail:


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You'd need the following item(s) to convert the tank into a tropical one:

-a heater

Axolotls with goldfish? I tried that once, the Axolotls won. Big time. They were like bulldogs or something, they tore the poor things in two. Freaking awesome display of power though (Apologies to anyone who isn't a teenage male)

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Hi Blitz, the spare tank would be ideal to have as a quarantine tank i.e. when you get new fish put them in the small tank for a week or so to make sure they are healthy, if you find any problems with them it is much easier to deal with in a small tank (less medicine needed) and means you don't introduce the problem to your main tank and existing fish stock. Also excellent for a hospital tank or confining an aggressive/sick/injured fish. I found out the hard way so now have a spare small tank. (It's hard to keep it empty though, tempting every time i'm at the LFS=Local Fish Shop)

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Axolotls with goldfish? I tried that once, the Axolotls won. Big time. They were like bulldogs or something, they tore the poor things in two. Freaking awesome display of power though (Apologies to anyone who isn't a teenage male)

lol yea same, i came back from school one day and goldfish had all disappeared :o

Hey snowman, if i was to use my small tank as a quarintine tank can you please describe how i would use it? e.g would i put my new fish in there and then what do i do?



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Just put them in there and leave them there for a week or so, if by then there are no problems then transfer them to the main tank. I had bought 1 new fish from a LFS and with my usual impatience put it straight in my 160l community tank, 3 days later i noticed the new fish had white spot and as it turned out had passed it to my other fish, so i had to medicate the whole tank then water changes carbon in to filter the med out after 1 week, a whole lot of risk and med cost that could have been avoided with a little patience. I have now found a shop that sells patience and bought a big bag full LOL

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Use it as a breeding tank when not used as a Q tank.


Just keep a fish or two in it until needed, then flick them back into the main tank.

You must keep the Q tank and the main tank at the same parameters, saves any unnecessary stress on the Q'd fish.

Alan 104

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No need to keep the tank cycled, just have a spare internal filter in one of the main tanks and when quarantine is required, set up tank using some water from the main tank and whip the filter out and into the Q tank too.

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