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Hi, i have just bought my first tropical fish tank :D

I live in Auckland and used to keep axolotl and goldfish but have never tried tropical fish.

I bought a 900x450x450 tank with the following equipment:

Eheim Classic, external filter

Aqua one, lighting

Jager, aquarium heating

I am still not entirely sure of which fish to get :o but so far my list looks like this:

x4 corydoras

x2 bristle-nose catfish

x6 cardinal tetras and zebra danios or glowlight tetras

x2 platys

x1 Betta

x2 Kribensis

x2 Guppies

Is this a suitable community?, all help will be very much appreciated



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Hi and welcome.....glad you found us!

Make sure you find out how to cycle your tank as this is the 1st step in fish addiction :lol:

AS with your list I would find platties or guppies the easiest to start off with , just my opinion :wink: JMO, You may find 1 male to 3-4 females a good ratio......as the male are very ummmmmmmmmmm consistant in their approach :wink:

Good luck and looking forward to hearing more from you

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Hi there Blitz. I am also new at this. My tank isn't as big as yours and currently got 6 guppies (2M-4F) and about 8-12 babies :o

I have found these forums to be very handy and useful in information and ideas for all sorts of fish and tanks.

Hope your tank goes well :D

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Welcome blitz. Ditch the kribs, especially if they are a pair as they are territorial and will get stuck into the fins of the guppies and betta for a start. Tetras and danios like current but bettas don't.

Guppies and platies are better either all one sex or a ratio of 1 male to 3 - 4 females, not pairs.

I would go for the corys, bristlenose, tetras and danios. 8)

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