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Native shrimp as food


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So I went for a quick spotlight last night.

I went to a little stream that flows straight into a harbour, the stream had redfins, bandeds, a young longfin and 1 inanga (No idea how it got into the stream, it's spring fed and has a series of water falls, up to 50cm before reaching the sea)

So I decided to have a poke round in the rock pools, to get to the rock pools I walked down next to the stream and where it met the sea there were HUNDREDS of shrimp.

They must have been trapped because they were trying to head up stream but there weren't any in the stream.

So my questions are, Will the shrimp survive?

Will they be able to find another stream (the closest one is a good 2-3 ks away)?

And what do you guys think of using them as frozen food? I know you can only take 50 per day, but that would last me awhile...

Just wondering :spop:

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So I decided to have a poke round in the rock pools, to get to the rock pools I walked down next to the stream and where it met the sea there were HUNDREDS of shrimp.

Yeah, there usually are in rockpools on the shore.

They must have been trapped because they were trying to head up stream

Doubt it.

So my questions are, Will the shrimp survive?

Yeah, why wouldn't they? They're living right where they want to be.

I think you're thinking they're freshwater shrimp, but they're almost definitely marine shrimp probably Palaemon affinis.

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I think you're thinking they're freshwater shrimp, but they're almost definitely marine shrimp probably Palaemon affinis.

:o :rolfl:

Lol I thought they were freshwater shrimp because they weren't in the rock pools they were in the brackish water right where the stream flows into the sea..... My mistake :gigl:

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