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Couriering large java fern and Anubias on Driftwood


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I have recently won a Trade me Auction for a large Java Fern and Anubias plant on driftwood and need to arrange them to be couriered. Could anyone please suggest the best courier place that I should contact to do this? Fastway seems to be the cheapest so far. Also, the seller and I do not know the best way to send them through ie. the packaging. Can someone please let me know how to package them for safe travel? Thanks

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Which courier you choose varies from region to region as most are franchisee owned so quality of service varies from place to place.

I would put the log with plants in a plastic bag (blow into it to inflate it a little then tie tightly. A Ziplock would be good) then into a carton just big enough for the log to fit and pack all around firmly with bubblewrap or scrunched up newspaper to stop it moving about. Try marking it as fragile or put This Way Up on it and they might treat it a little more carefully.

Java fern and Anubias both travel well and will bounce back even after getting squished a bit. They will cope with a couple of days out of water too.

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