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Altolamprologus Calvus Black hunting photos.


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I have recently setup an aquarium to house Neolamprologus Brichardi (fairy cichlids) and Altolamprologus Calvus Black.

The tank is broken up into 3 specific areas. One that is loaded with boulders that the brichardi can dig into and breed to their hearts content. Then there is a green belt area made up of crypts and then an area for the Calvus which consists of large vertical caves and shadows areas. This section really showcases the Calvus shape and ability to alter its body coloring.

Over time the baby brichardi will forage in the green belt area and become prey for the Calvus.

Here are a series of pics showing the fish hunting out whiteworms.





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A picture to set the scene. Tank dimensions are 1050x480x750high.

I'm working on the video today. It has some good tips on how to protect the plants from the brichardi`s constant excavating.


This area has some very neat vertical caves to inspire the chameleon like potential of the calvus. They wedge themselves in there very nicely.


The first batch of cohorts. Starting to investigate their area.


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