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Stocking advice


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Hi all, was going to restock my tank with different fish, as the Red tailed shark has bullied the swordtails, and some friends would like them. It is a 125 l tank, but with a filter capable of 200ish l. So the plan was to eventually have 10 cardinals, 2 dwarf gourami, 3 Adolfoi Cories, a bristlenose, chocolate zebra pleco and a khuli loach. Would this be overstocked?

Thanks, Sam

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That sounds reasonable to me. You may want to instead have

10x Cardinals

3x Dwarf gouramis (with three males, having 3 helps to spread the aggression rather than one dominant and one being picked on all the time)

6x Adolfoi cories (shoaling fish)

1x BN

1x Choc zebra

5x Kuhli loach (shoaling fish)

I think this is a pretty good stock list - maybe skip the BN? He will be quite the bioload - that or the Choc Zebra (although they're cuter imo)

My stocking list for the 120L used to look like -

3x Otocinclus

5x Kuhli loaches

1x L129

5x American flagfish

2x Thicklipped gourami

5x Threadfin rainbow

5x Red whiptail catfish

From that I needed to remove all the otos (they passed - nitrate spike, probably unknown fish death) as my nitrates were too unpredictable (I wasn't aware and should have been testing more regularly) and possibly the L129 as they're better in groups and I didn't see him out much. On that tank I needed to do 50% water changes weekly or 25% biweekly. So just be prepared to do regular WCs (plants helped).

My current tank stock for the same tank is

5x Red whiptail cats

3x Indian banded gourami

3x Honey gourami

5x American Flagfish

(to be added: 2x Thicklip gourami, 10x Rocket pencilfish)

I need to do about 50% each week on this too - found my nitrates at 40ppm a couple of weeks ago so it looked like 30% wasn't doing the job. Before adding the pencils I intend on starting to grow emersed plants out of my HOBs along with doing pressurized CO2 and testing the nitrate consumption after that to make sure I can handle the levels.

SO it sounds OK, but I'd be expecting 50% WCs and maybe drop a couple of fish? Plants will always help, too.

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Forgot to add that the RTS will also be in the tank. Just thinking about what to do about the khuli loach, possibly 3? Also would wonder how the gouramis would do if I had a female and a male? This would be a planted tank, and What plants would be BN proof?

Thanks, Sam

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Forgot to add that the RTS will also be in the tank. Just thinking about what to do about the khuli loach, possibly 3? Also would wonder how the gouramis would do if I had a female and a male? This would be a planted tank, and What plants would be BN proof?

Thanks, Sam

I'd say a RTS would be too big (and maybe a bit boisterous) - I'd still stick to 5 kuhlis if possible (I actually only have 3 regular kuhlis at the moment, mind you - but I have 5 black kuhlis at the moment too). I find some gouramis are OK with a female and male but what quite often happens is the male stresses out the female by chasing her 24/7 - although I find with gouramis it's not so bad as sometimes the male spends so much freaking time bubblenesting he's not even interested in the girl (and wants to protect his precious nest)!

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Hi all, was going to restock my tank with different fish, as the Red tailed shark has bullied the swordtails

Forgot to add that the RTS will also be in the tank.


Just thinking about what to do about the khuli loach, possibly 3?

Probably give them to a friend before the RTS kills them.

Also would wonder how the gouramis would do if I had a female and a male?

Fine, until the RTS tries to kill them.

This would be a planted tank, and What plants would be BN proof?

Thanks, Sam

Pretty much anything should be fine with bristlenoses, ime.

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