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Clown Loach sick


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Hey I've got this large clown recently and unfortunately he's covered in what looks like white slime, has rapid breathing, and his tail seems to have a few sores on it. Any urgent help/medication ideas appreciated.

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have you used any treatments in the tank? Loaches dont have scales and are very senstitive to treatments, which can burn their skin, which makes them look like they have a white slime. Do a good water change, add something to remove any chlorine or chemicals in the water too. Something like Melafix would probably help too.

good luck


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Hey Plecs thanks for the advice, it died last night unfortunately. Sux as was the biggest one i'd ever see in real life. Could've been old age. I tried a little salt and methylene blue/malkon as a last resort but was too far gone. Also did 50% water change the day before it died. Oh well happens aye.

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Whoa that's a good stretch, i'd like a 6 ft+ tank to do that with some of them in. This one was a good 15cm altho I didn't measure it exactly. It's cool how thick/high their bodies get. Sigh i've learned my lesson about getting a fish out of tank in which others don't look so good.

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