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Bent & Grumpy Guppy


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My female guppy gave birth to 30 odd babies and seems to have had some sort of disablement. Her tail now hangs at about 45 degree angle. She is extremely agressive and just looks skinny (though not so bad as to think she wasn't eating, which she is). She is swimming by using her front fins mainly, though she does appear to be using the tail for steerage, but not swishing it like the others.

As to the agression - she was in the nursery tank but just battering to get out after a few days rest so I put her back in the main tank as there are plants etc for her to hide in and I thought it might help - she is chasing the males and chewing their tails. I know I'd be cranky if I had 30 babies, but really!

Does anyone have any idea what is going on and what I can do? I've been putting anti-septic in the tank to deal with the tail chewing and try to prevent any sort of infection from that, but I'm at a loss what to do with/for her.

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Perhaps she has post natal depression? :lol:

How big is the nursery tank? Usually separating them for a few days gives them time to recover before being put back in the main tank but that is usually to rest the female and keep the males away, not to have to keep her away from the males! Hopefully she will settle down again and the tails should regrow.

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I have never heard of this happening? Very interesting to read though, Females are usually quite content with being by themselves, put her back in the nursery, and chuck in heaps of live foods, hopefully her back will straighten back up. I have lost many females after giving birth, it sounds as if your female is very stressed.

Dont worry if the female has a bit of a psycho in the nursery to start with, she will settlle down and start chomping on the livefoods eventually.


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