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Mystery black spot marks in tank!


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I've tried a few of the facebook groups, but noone seems to know what this is and what's causing it. It started to appear on the rocks of the tank a week or so ago, and I've just noticed it appearing on a few of the plants closest to the rocks as well. It's not slimey, and it's not fluffy like BBA, it just looks like someone has been dotting things with a black felt tip pen.

I was thinking of scrubbing it off (was hoping not to as my hillstream likes the green spot algae), but now that's it on the plants, I'm super worried.


This is my tank at the moment. It's 38L, I do a full bucket water change and gravel vac every week, and dose a quarter of a teaspoon of excel every few days (I got told today that I need normal flourish as well). The lights are on for 5 and a half hours a day.

Actually just remembered a week ago I swapped my carbon out for bio media instead. Could this have any affect at all? Serious help is needed, especially now that it's on the plants too.

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