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I need help with the fish in my tank


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I have never had a problem with GT's being aggressive. In my experience they don't take any aggressive from other fish, but they are more likely to just chill out then to go on a killing spree.

They are more likely to fight and kill each other when there are only a few cichlids around, but if you have 5 they shouldn't fight much, just establish pecking order, then maybe have the occasional scuffle.

also sixclowns, no please don't take offence to this but 2 males 1 female is about the worst combination of american cichlids you could have, as the two males will harass the female to death, then 2 males will almost always fight for dominance, and unless you have a massive tank the subdominant one won't be able to escape and die (i.e. what you experienced)

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Have heard that some peoples green terrors are peaceful but here is a quote from Axelrod himself: "A vicious fish; will fight with all other fishes including members of its own species". In our experience green terrors will take on anything even kill a fully grown Oscar. I guess that some peoples GTs aren't what they're supposed to be.

We also didn't buy 3 green terrors as breeding stock or anything like that, it was purely to grow them out and pick the best fish. He also was brought back to life and is still in our 700L tank. We moved the other one on and now our bigger cichlids keep him in line.

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Green terrors and gold saums are different species. This was proven in 2007.

The real green terror is far more aggressive than the gold saums that are commonly sold now.

I myself have kept gold saums and found them not that aggressive.

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True green terrors are banned from entering New Zealand so for all intents and purposes, gold and silver saums are what are referred to as green terrors here. True and false green terrors are basically the same fish that have been cut off from each other in their natural environment since the 1980's. The only difference being colour and scale formation. Our GTs were imported from overseas so maybe they are closer to wild then others and that being said the one we ended up getting rid of was a lot more psychotic then the one we kept, different batches too.

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Sweet I only really wanted about 4 or 5 but have been so worried that they are gonna kill everything like a parana horror movie I was having 2nd thoughts

haha, they are not aggressive. And if you have multiple cichlids the tank tends to be calmer, as none of the fish like to over commit in attack.

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