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ulcerated oscar


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one of my oscars came down with what looked like fin rot and dying scales all over overnight a few days ago, one of the scales has dropped off and now has a ruddy great ulcer in place. No other fish in the tank are sick and he has been removed to a tank on his own. He hasnt lost his colour and behaviour is the same. I am tempted to stick 100mg of doxycycline or 250mg clorotir down his throat. Any ideas on how to treat this?

The usual salt and melafix hasnt helped at all.

I have debrided the necrotic tissue and there appears to be no sign of any fungal infection. Turns out the dosage rate for fish is 0005mg per gram weight for doxycycline. Anyone got a set of gold scales?

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Hi joze

It sounds like you are on the right track. I have not used the doxycycline before but have used the older label tetracycline (very similar if not the same) but cannot remember the dosage. It sounds like he/she has picked up a nasty bacteria, possibly through a small wound.

Just keep an eye on the necrotic tissue and good luck.

Sorry I don't any gold scales but the red bellied piranha I play with do,

oops or do you mean to find out how heavey they is?

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doxycycline is a broad spectrum tetracycline in a slow release form. GP looked at me like I was an alien when I asked for some 10mg slow release tabs for my fish. Looking perkier already. I did find a website in NZ which could be of use if utilised www.vetservice.co.nz

My days of ringing the vet surgery and requesting meds to be dropped off are over I'm afraid. Now to educate the GP....

Its a disadvantage moving to a new region, I can no longer go into the vets mobile dispensary and grab what I need.

Funny thing is most supervisary and prescription only drugs are cheaper from the vets.

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