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My now Discus tank


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Went to visit Ron yesterday and bought home my new babies. Photos aren't great due to reflections but turns out the little buggers don't just pose when you snap your fingers. 6 discus as follows

Pigeon 1- Barbie ( she spends a lot of time looking at herself in the glass)

Pigeon 2 - Mr G (g stands for grumpy, he has a grumpy face)

Blue Diamond - John (my partners name as it thinks its in charge but isn't)

Blue Turq- Denise (named after me because it is in charge and knows it)

RoseRed 1 - Con (stripes look like a convict)

RoseRed 2- Braveheart (he spent most of yesterday hiding, and my mother in law spent two hours talking to it 'encouraging' it to come out. Tried to explain discus hierarchy, didn't work. Will post another couple of photos soon. Also all neons out of tank now and in my new one, just too much competition for food so they had to come out, happier in their new tank with the lower temp. Feel free to tell me your thoughts.

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Thanks Nudge, I get bored if I can't interact with my pets so I like to do water changes. Keeps it pretty clean, nitrate under 10 is my goal. Looks good right now.

Discus guru -was making dinner tonight (tank is at the end of my bench) and look up and here are six little discus all In a row looking at me. The speech bubble said 'mum I'm hungry'. Feeding them little and often as well. So fingers crossed .

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