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To formalin or not to formalin


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Last night one of my neon tetras lost colour and had what looked to be white on his head. This morning he was dead with a brown lesion looking thing in his tummy. My rummies also lost all colour in their heads. I have also lost one other rummy thursday but nothing untoward seen there. I did have two angels who were hunting so they have gone to another more angel friendly place. Current stocking is 25 neons, 7 rummies, 10 harlequins, 10 corys and 5 bristles. Water params are amm 0,nitrite 0, nitrate 5, ph 7.0, kh and gh 2. I have had no ammonia in my tank and do 20% 2x week. LFS gave me formalin for parasites but am scared it will kill my filter. Just turned lights on and everyone looks good, good colour, rummies back to good, corys crazy........ What do I do. Treat or not treat?

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Formalin is pretty heavy going on critters. It's is really only a good idea if you know what it is you're killing, and it's a long shot if they aren't external parasites. What makes you or the LFS think it's external parasites? If it's just the external damage then my opinion is not to treat yet.

The problem might go away now that the angels are elsewhere, the little fish can recover in a more peaceful environment, so with clean water and regular changes they could come right themselves. The white stuff could be fungus from the injuries.

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I have no idea, LFS suggested it could be parasite due to the lesion. Have put melafix in tank and just lost another rummy. No lesions, nothing if any note that I could see. neons all look

Good,but now two of my brown bristles do have lighter bits across their back, but I have often seen that with their growth spurt and they are both only about three months old. Another rummy is now looking pale - and I am wondering if I should do a water change in case they are actually reacting to the melafix ....... I truly don't want to dose the tank with anything if I don't need too, and I could run the risk of losing just as much with the formalin ..........

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I assume you're dosing according to the directions, and not adding more?

My feeling is that dosing when you don't know what the cause is can be as bad as not treating, or worse. Imagine if you have a headache and someone gives you a laxative or a stomach tonic :-? , you'd probably feel worse and it would take your energy away from getting better.

Do a big water change and see how everyone is in the morning. If you have a spare tank you could put the ones with ailments in there and observe them for a while, otherwise it may be cheaper and less stressful on the healthy fish just to keep clean water and let the sick ones die, or put them to sleep with clove oil. I only say cheaper if it's a factor for you, it has been for me.

I've lost quite a few little fish over my time keeping fish and the best thing is to keep clean water and not to worry too much if you don't know what the cause is. Lesions are often due to infighting or are a symptom of another illness, once a fish gets sick they can be susceptible to fungus infections.

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Thanks heaps. Yep dosing as per instructions but I agree, I have lost two rummies today and I swear there is nothing external wrong at all. The tetras are the most amazing blue. I think I'm going to Do that, keep it as clean as and wait to see. Formalin could very well kill more. Appreciate your help.

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I have never used melafix so know nothing about it. Never a good idea to mix meds unless you know exactly what you are doing. Some mixtures can be good but others can be bad. Mind you I haven't used formalin for a long time either. Can help a bit with viruses like holding back neon tetra disease (but only postpones the inevitable)

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Which is a good point, can do all this, turns out that wasn't what it was and the outcome is still the same. Fish keeping can be a tough hobby! Time to sit back and think about what might work - no angels! And in the meantime leave my guys be for a few weeks,

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