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Help please - something is on the prowl


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Hi. 300litre planted tank. Currently has 30 neons, 10 harlequins, 9 rummys, 5 bristle, 10 Cory's and 2 angels. 20% changed 2x per week. Ammonia 0, nitrite 0 and nitrate 5. Angels are about 7cm body. Something has started going on the prowl, in last week I have lost 5 neons and 1 rummy. Another rummy missing since last night and a further one looks like it has had its top lip bitten. Red of top lip is missing. I want community tank, so is it what I am thinking and the angels are going fishing at night? I have seen them trying to nip at the bristles but not much else. Any ideas gratefully accepted, whoever it is is coming out. I'm all about peace :)

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Having just done a filter check and a full clean came across two half eaten bodies of the neons. That makes three neons and two rummy completely disappeared and the third rummy has just lost his battle (the one with half a lip gone). Have checked and there are no white growths or anything so doesn't look like disease and funnily enough the fish that are gone are the smaller ones. Just back from local fish shop and he agrees it's the angels, so they have gone back to the shop and I will reassess what next. And yes you were right, it was every night that another one disappeared ...........

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