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Six line wrasse


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Added a six line to my tank on Monday (along with a few other fish all of which are doing fine). On the first day he was swimming around having a good look for food etc (there are/were plenty of pods shrimp etc). Didn't see him at all yesterday until late in the evening when I spotted him at the bottom of my rock pile hard up against a rock, I checked again this morning and his is still in the same place. He is breathing (maybe a little slowly but hard for me to tell cause hes new) and his eye moved round to look back at me but otherwise no movement.

I was wondering if he is in trouble or if this is normal? I know that they do commonly 'disappear' in tanks for days at a time, plus there was tons of live food about, I'm hoping that he has stuffed himself full and is sleeping it off.

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Haha, no was a good deal on the fish.

Was dead when I got home last night. Problem now is its under all my live rock, no way of getting the body out unless I tear down the tank, so I guess its worm food. Hope it doesn't hurt the rest of the tank too much.

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