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What is wrong with my ram... BIG eye growth... pic included


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http://s364.photobucket.com/user/fievel ... sort=3&o=1

Dosed the tank with Furan2, but didn't really notice any major changes. On final water change, while renewing carbon filter I found one of my rams dead. Ironically she wasn't the one who looked too serious, but whose eyes were a bit pop-eyed compared to usual.

Gave the tank a really good gravel vac, and cleaned log, under which I found the culprits... a couple of very fluffy looking vege pellets which I hadn't realised hadn't been eaten.

Fish all very happy now, and loaches are zipping around back to their usual selves... all except this guy who I now have in a QT. The bulge above his eye since taking this pic a few days ago, developed blood in it, and now looks like what I would describe as popped popcorn, and now is a bit fluffy too.

What is this problem and is there any hope for him?!!

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Dosed the tank with Furan2, but didn't really notice any major changes. On final water change, while renewing carbon filter I found one of my rams dead. Ironically she wasn't the one who looked too serious, but whose eyes were a bit pop-eyed compared to usual.

Gave the tank a really good gravel vac, and cleaned log, under which I found the culprits... a couple of very fluffy looking vege pellets which I hadn't realised hadn't been eaten.

Fish all very happy now, and loaches are zipping around back to their usual selves... all except this guy who I now have in a QT. The bulge above his eye since taking this pic a few days ago, developed blood in it, and now looks like what I would describe as popped popcorn, and now is a bit fluffy too.

What is this problem and is there any hope for him?!!

In my, limited, experience what usually ends up happening if the pop eye gets that bad is that it ends up completely tearing out the eyeball and releasing the pressure. Then there's a bit better chance of them surviving.

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If the eye has burst and the resulting area has developed a cotton wool growth on it, you could try taking the ram out and dropping a drop of meth blue directly on the cotton wool growth, however only do this if the eye is gone as otherwise the fish will lose its sight due to the meth blue. You will have to keep the water conditions absolutely pristine ie water change totally at least once a day for any chance of recovery, this could take several weeks.

What caused the water to deteriorate so much in the first place that it developed or is there bullying going on in the tank?

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I think water deteriorated due to a couple of things-

1. The vege pellets were not being eaten and were ending up under a log where I couldn't see them, growing fluffy bits.

2. I hadn't replaced the carbon filter in a long time (lesson learned)

3. In trying not to disturb the plants I hadn't done a serious gravel vac in a while (did so on Staurday and fish are so much happier... just not this guy)

I was away for 5 days, with mother n law feeding fish for me, so she wouldn't have known anything was up with the fishes' eyes, and by the time I got home the pleco had died and this ram had his growth.

He's still alive in his quarantine tank... his eye is now quite side-ways, but he's a bloody trooper!

Will go do a water change now.

So you all think his growth is simply pop-eye? Looks so much like a tumour!!

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He might not lose the eye - if you can keep the water really clean. The cotton wool fluff that appeared is usually caused by the likes of an infected scratch or cut. That is what is more likely to kill him than anything else. Meth Blue will get rid of it if dosed directly on to the wound but if it gets in the eye itself, then sight will very likely be lost.

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