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Aphyosemion australe colour question?


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I recently got a trio of "orange" (is that correct or has it been mistaken for another colour type) Aphyosemion australes from HFF, however one was sick (from the day I got it) and from what we can tell had a fungus issue, anyway, it progressed incredibly quick over a week and we lost her. This means I have two and am looking for another female. My male looks pretty much like this - 7728252.jpg?306

Has anyone documented the genetics on these fish and what colouring is dominant (I would presume chocolates and breed with golds, golds with orange etc)? If I get a female chocolate or gold, what am I likely to see in the fry? What colour types are available here in NZ?

Also, how tolerant are killies of line breeding - or is it a good idea to regularly get in new fish in order to keep it diverse?

I'm new to killies but am trying to do plenty of research, so any help or advice is appreciated :thup:

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have a look through the search function and look up 'Barrie' as author.

He posted copiously on which killies should be kept together (or not) to minimise cross breeding. Killifish breeders generally don't recommend cross breeding strains like the cichlid keepers do. Am not sure why, probably because they are rare enough as it is enough without creating hybrids and losing the original lines.

I think the orange ones are termed as 'gold'.

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have a look through the search function and look up 'Barrie' as author.

He posted copiously on which killies should be kept together (or not) to minimise cross breeding. Killifish breeders generally don't recommend cross breeding strains like the cichlid keepers do. Am not sure why, probably because they are rare enough as it is enough without creating hybrids and losing the original lines.

I think the orange ones are termed as 'gold'.

Thanks, I'll have a look now. I hadn't heard of orange, so wasn't sure if it's right - presuming they're called gold, I should be looking for another gold then?

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There are three strains of australe in NZ I think. The chocolate is the wild one and the gold is an aquarium strain that came from Singapore. The orange is is another gold strain with more colours. Only breed them to females with the same genetics. There were chocolates about that had been back bred to golds because there were no chocolates of the other sex available at the time. I haven't seen the lighter gold ones for a while.

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There are three strains of australe in NZ I think. The chocolate is the wild one and the gold is an aquarium strain that came from Singapore. The orange is is another gold strain with more colours. Only breed them to females with the same genetics. There were chocolates about that had been back bred to golds because there were no chocolates of the other sex available at the time. I haven't seen the lighter gold ones for a while.

Great, so ideally I'm looking for an orange but a gold will be OK? Now to find one, lol.

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