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Getting new 450 Litre Tank Today


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Hi everyone,

I pick up my new 450 L Aquarium tonight very excited! and just wanted any tips etc as I am planning to get discus to go with my Rams and tetras. I have never had Discus before I was always an African Cichlid man before and am now trying my hand at the new world of underwater garden aquariums.

My current stock list in my Aquariums is

6 x Bolivian Rams

14 x Neon Tetra

5 x cherry barbs

5 x glowlight tetra

3 x Bristlenose

4 x guppies

5 x Harlequin Rasbora

my substrate is a mix of black flourite sand and flourite gravel as well as mixing in CaribSea Eco-Complete Planted Substrate.

my plants I have are Hair Grass

Dwarf Hair grass


java fern




Anubias Nana

Dwarf Sag


Ehiem 2217 Filter

4 foot double T5 light and 60 double T5 light untill I can afford my Led 5 foot

The Tank itself is 150cm L x 50 cm w x 60 cm T

Also here is a quick vid of what I have more or less before I got the hair Grass etc , currently the Tank is 90 Litres too small I know but that's why I bought the 450 litre.

Any tips etc would be muchly appreciated

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Tips :)

Discus are slow moving fish so ensure you don't have tank mates who are going to gobble up all the food.

Buy decent sized discus if you have never had them before - anything under 6cm is going to create an awful lot of work - and purchase from a reputable breeder.

Keeping discus in a planted tank is not as easy as in a bare bottom one.

Be prepared for good large water changes - preferably twice a week

Purchase a minimum of 4 discus, 6 is better for that sized tank as they need a group to spread aggression.

Provide shade cover particularly if you are going to have high lighting - discus do not like bright lights

heres one of my threads from when I had my planted discus tank - the discus were hiding as the lights are on - viewtopic.php?f=2&t=46364&hilit=Adrienne

the tank is exactly the same dimensions as yours

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Oh awesome thanks for that, yeah I have decided to wait till im in my new house next May before I buy Discus so I can do alot of research and decide next year if I still want to try to keep them.

Thanks for the info it was very helpful and yeah I do have very bright lights at the moment.

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