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schwartzi corys


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Does anyone know whether these are readily available from anywhere?, i knew of a lady on palmestorn north who had a few when picking some fish up a few years back. But have never seen any forsale anywhere. Would love to get my hands on some!, as they look awesome. Any help much appreciated, cheers

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They have been in the country but not commonly available to my knowledge. Last time the shops had them we fishkeepers complained about the price we had to pay so not many sold therefore the shops are less likely to stock them again.

I know a few cory breeders but not any with schwartzi.

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They have been in the country but not commonly available to my knowledge. Last time the shops had them we fishkeepers complained about the price we had to pay so not many sold therefore the shops are less likely to stock them again.

I know a few cory breeders but not any with schwartzi.

To my believe all Schwartzi are wild caught and are never tankbred.

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