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New to saltwater


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I just got a 80 gal tank with an overhead filter that spans across the top of the tank, and a 3 bulb lighting fixture that equals 90 watts of power. I added a cannister filter(Flumal404), a Red Sea Prizm 100 gal skimmer, 2 aqua pumps(rio1100, and something smaller), titanium heater, about 40 lbs of live rock(50% 6 months cured,&50% 6 week cured), 40 lbs of live sand, and set it up about 2 months ago. I have been reading a couple of books and also taking the advice of a couple of people working in the business of aquariums. The guy I bought it from, is the shop owner at one of the stores. After the cycle period was complete, I put in it 4 Damsels. 1 Damsel died for reasons I don't know, after 2 days, 1 Damsel was killed by a stowawy crab from the live rock, and the other two are doing fine. After about two weeks pass, I put in 2 minaute Zebra lionfish. O1 died the first night,(I didn't acclimate them correctly) The next day I put in another Lionfish( minature Antnnata). They are doing fine. After two days I put in a Wolf EEl, that the shop had for over a month, and garranteed its health. It is very friendly, and will eat from your hand. The two Lionfish, are buddy buddy, but they tend to stay behind the rocks in the back of the tank out of sight, but do come out after the lights go out. They have not eaten yet!!... Hopefully soon, as I ofer them Krill, and Silversides...frozen. I am questioning the lighting. The owner of the shop is like a walking brain on this subjct of fish and says that the three 30 watt bulbs because they are equalling 90 watts that it will be sufficient power to create a reef/fish enviro. Everywhere I look although, is saying different. Also I am hearing that the filter systems that I have are not the type that I should be using. The fish that I have all seem to be doing well, but its only been a few days, and I know that it could change...just a matter of time before I see the end results. I am writing this cause this is my first marine aquarium, and am just looking for as much feedback and info that I can get. I want to start some inverts, but not sure if that would be a good idea right now. Ohhhh.....I do have some hermit crabs in, I put them in about 2 weeks ago as a cleanup crew. Any suggestions would be considered, and greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.....

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I am running a 80g tank. Be it only for three months.

I have no sump, just skimmer and fluval 304, with 4 power heads, 40 kg of coral.

The lighting I have been advised to go for is 2* 150 watt metal halides.

This will aid coral growth plus give the shimmer off the water.

I have 2 damsels, 2 clown fish, 1 yellow tang, 2 cleaner shrimp. All are introduced as baby's (being small they cause a lower bio-loading when introduced) (Had no deaths).

I think the biggest issue to watch for in a cheap setup like this without sump and fancy equipment is understanding the limitations of the setup.

I have my max fish load, and aim to keep simple corals and an anemone.

Another thing which I think is the hardest is patience. I added all my fish and shrimps individually over two months. I take twice the time to release them into the tank than the shop said.

Good luck.

I'm still reading and learning all the time. This forum is great in getting good advice.

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You can if you really want one. You don't even need to import them, they can be found in NZ waters.

You mean that we can catch tropical lionfish in NZ? Where and what types? Also, is it legal to catch and keep them? I heard that you can get clownfish and tropical shrimps in the poor knights.

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You can if you really want one. You don't even need to import them, they can be found in NZ waters.

Yes and no. There is evidence of 1 in 1984 in the Poor Knights, its the only one ever seen or know of in these waters.

Lion Fish are listed as uncommon in the Kermidec Islands. These are the only 2 places in NZ water were Lionfish have been sighted. It would be ilegal to take them from either place as both a reserves and sancturays.

That being said, most of us know someone with Lionfish here in NZ. Not as unusual as you may think.


EDIT - There are no clownfish or tropical shrimps.

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