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co2 n algae


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You might want to look into the estimative index method. It's a fairly straight forward method for running a hi-tech tank with CO2.

CO2 is like a turbo on a car. It'll make things faster but if you don't tune your engine to use it, and maintain it properly, you can blow the motor :-?

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You dose your tank with ferts, trace elements and CO2, so light becomes the limiting factor. 50% water changes once a week. Plants out-compete algae for nutrients, so you get minimal/no algae. I don't understand that last bit, but it does work.

Plants grow at a fantastic rate, but if things get out of whack you can get algae outbreaks very quickly. It can be tricky to find a dosing regime that keeps your tank in balance (no algae, healthy fish and plants). but once you do it's as simple as dosing macros one day, micros the next, and fill up the CO2 bottle when it runs out :dnc1:

http://www.aquaticplantcentral.com/foru ... guide.html

http://www.barrreport.com/forumdisplay. ... tive-Index

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