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Water for top up


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It will also have all the dust, oils, bacteria, viruses and any other contaminants that were floating round in the air. Unfortunately it's not the same as distilled water as the collection method is not closed.

As it's stripping water out of the air, it will generally take anything else in the air with it. A good test would be to get some of the water and put it in a bottle but leave a bit of an air gap at the top. Seal it and leave for a few weeks. If the air in the top of the bottle stinks when the cap is removed it's no good.

Even if it is ok it will still probably be a risk to use it.

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I've noticed my dehumidifier has a little funnel shaped part where the water drips from the condenser into the collection container. That funnel has developed a black tarry gunk which I'm thinking is probably left behind by evaporated dehumdifier water. It definitely doesn't seem to be mildew or anything like that. I mean, I love the idea of having a dehumidifier sitting above the tank dripping the evaporated water back in, but...

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I have read about this before, some people use this water mixed with their supply water as its VERY hard and high PH so suits freshwater cichlid tanks. Read this a while back can't rember where, no experance myself.

Have you tried drinking it? I have, it tastes funny.


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