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Sterilizing bone


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So I had a very old bone cow jaw to go in my BTS cage as decor. To sterilize it I read that you can soak it in 10% bleach solution then bake it in the oven.

Well I did this but when I was baking it, the most rancid smell came from the bone. In fact it was so rotten that it almost made my eyes water (there must have been some rotten flesh on the inside or something). I was gagging and coughing while trying to get rid of the smell that wouldn't go away.

Some few minutes later my mate walked in and said he could smell fish and chips and wanted to know if there were leftovers :rotf: . I'm not gonna lie, I was tempted to dish the bone jaw up to him on a plate haha.

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Bleach doesn't work, it eats the bone an send oils within the bone to the surface (hence the smell) i cant recall the appropriate procedure but if you search maceration past the flesh stage will lead you to the cleaning of the bone.

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