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Overflow with only one hole drilled.


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Hey guys I am starting to think about using a sump on my discus tank and was wondering what sort of system I can use, the tank already has an overflow box in the corner that is pre drilled with only one hole at the bottom, from what I have seen searching the net most tanks have 2 or more holes drilled either for a herbie or beananimal style overflow. How would I set this up with only one hole? Noise doesn't bother me as it is in my study room anyway but I want it reliable so that it doesn't flood the room. I don't have any plumbing experience so this has me stumped lol.

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I have the same as you with my tank.

I use that one hole to have a full siphon controlled by a ball valve.

and then I made a second overflow to catch the rest of the overflowing water like this...




It results in a very quiet overflow

Check out the page I got these pics from for more information http://www.aquariumlife.net/projects/diy-overflow/120.asp

If you want to see it in action just come have a look at my setup :wave:

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