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guppys yay


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the other day i noticed one of my female guppies had let go some fry and i saw about 15 of them swimming around in the tank

today i was cleaning the filter and i found about 20 in the filter

so i moved them all into my plant tank for now and im feeding them up on baby brine shrimp


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with baby guppies how can you be sure that the filter won't harm them if they get sucked up?

I have a tornado PF-603 and in it is a black sponge looking thing. Not the usual white fluffy stuff with carbon on top or what ever.

Is this filter still ok and how can I check it if any baby guppies are to be inside?


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I know your going to laugh at this but I only have the one tank and I don't have anything else to put them into. I got a 90ltr tank. Would that be big enough to hold a breeding trap to just put the babies in till big enough?? I hear that they are not good for the mums to go into so if I am to see any babies would this be an easier option for me?

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Thanks a heap for that critter guy. Here I was thinking that when I did want to breed and keep the fry that I would have to go out and buy another tank setup :-? I may not save all of them but when I get a breeding net I am glad to hear that I can scoop up what I can and use that to hold the babies :D


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The nets are better than the solid plastic containers with holes or slots in them as the fry can slip through the slots and angelfish can suck fry through the smallest of gaps!

If your tank is well planted (especially with Java moss) the fry will have places to hide.

Remember guppies will drop a batch every 4 weeks or so, so if they all survive you will be quickly over-run with fry (unless you go and buy more tanks of course).

Another name for the guppy is the millions fish - due to its propensity to breed faster than rabbits. :lol:

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