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Fryier Haps vrs Peacock


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If you don't know by now i am a big fan of Fryier haps and must get some (so if anyone out there has some fry or juvies out there that you wanna sell to me and post to southland). i've also taken a liking to OB Peacocks. i've been told that male fryier haps shouldn't be kept with peacocks as they will kill the male peacocks and breed with the females. How true is this? I've also been told that people have them together not a problem.


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i'm not worried about cross breeding and of course if they did i would let people know if i were selling them... it was more the fryier males killing the peacock males that i be worried about. but if thats not a huge concern then that opens a huge amount of possible colourful tank mates to go with fryier (if i ever get some :facepalm: )

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Ob's and dragonbloods are man made strains and tend to be more aggressive, any of the jacobfrybergi strains are pretty stroppy to. As far as which male will kill the other is anyones guess. Every fish has their own personality. They me be perfectly happy together, you won't really know how they will react to each other till their in the tank together.

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