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Phosphate removers~


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Nodle...you're right...Its legendary!!


So whats with this "rubber" fetish again.... :D

:lol: :lol: :lol: DAM YOU CRACKER you had to start the third agument in this thread.

Its not a rubber fetish its a general latex fetish how many times do i have to tell you. :lol: :lol: :lol:


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One more from RC clearly stating things like "no harm to corals" etc.


Originally posted by joedelt

hey Randy,

maybe i missed it in the article, but how are you utelizing the phosphate killer? in a reactor or otherwise?

how long are you planning on keeping it in your tank?

thanks for the feedback


Originally posted by Randy Holmes-Farley

I decided to see for myself what, if anything, happens when using such iron oxide hydroxide materials. I'm not trying to track its efficacy (which would be a more complicated study of inputs and outputs), but rather to see if I see any of the problems that folks report using such materials, including precipitation of CaCO3 on the media or elsewhere in the system, and negative effects on corals.

I'm running it inside of a Magnum 350 cannister filter, along with carbon (more carbon than Killer). I've not opened it up to see what is happening inside, but I see nothing unusual after a couple of weeks when looking through the clear sides of the cannister. Nothing of note happened to any corals. Macroalgae growth may have been stunted for a while (it dumps directly into the refugium), but that is hard to gauge in my current setup since the nutrient availability is highly variable.

I'll open the cannister up after Thanksgiving and see what's been happening inside.

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What is some phosphate removers you guys use?

Rowaphos, salifert, JBL etc?

Just in case you guys have forgotten that this was a question,

not a discussion and a slam-bam-thanks-sam.

Try keeping to the topic.

Maybe ya could go into the commercial area and do your advertising there.

Man, I'm glad I'm a killi keeper, if I was a newbie saltie, I'd be away from this site and prolly loose some good smart people, and information, but I wouldn't take the risk.

Wake up before you stuff it up.

Alan 104

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