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breeding crickets help!


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hi im up to the stage they have laid eggs put in the incubator and have a dozen or so hatched( that i can see) what do i do now? put each individual one in a larger container ? with holes on the lid? like the big large rolling storage containers from the warehouse? or just keep them in the incubator etc thanks for everyone help and time to read my post

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I use those 50-60 litre rolling containers with a 40 watt bulb in the top. One third vermiculite/peat and the rest egg containers. Line laying media with plastic to keep moisture out of egg containers. You must keep the laying media moist. Leave until you see babies then move breeders to a new container--still keep media moist. 24 females and 6 males. Move again when babies seen. Four containers works for me. Keep some offspring back to restock your breeders. Slower than locusts but potentially more productive.

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I don't know what you are talking about with using an incubator. I can think of better uses for that. There are lots of ways of breeding crickets and locusts and the best way is the one that works for you.

Take a 50-60 litre roller container, place small vents with fine mesh on each side (I have used a hole cutter and glued with a hot glue gun the s/s mesh that is on the wax moth larvae from biosupplies). Place a 30x30mm piece of wood across the bottom and a shopping bag to seal the bottom of the one third. Fill with vermiculite/peat mix that is well watered so as to be damp without free water. Put cardboard egg containers in the other end and a 40 watt bulb and reflector in the lid. Add 24 adult winged females and 6 males along with food and wait for babies to appear.When you see babies move adults to next container. You must keep the media moist and give the moisture through apple, carrot etc.

There are many ways to breed crickets and that is how I do it and it works for me. Others use small containers and remove them --usually to hatch in another container and because smaller containers dry out quicker they often cover with gladwrap. My plastic is to discourage moisture from getting from the media to the egg containers.

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