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Yellow-tailed congos


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I came across these fish one trip up to Auckland - from what I could gather they were a contaminant amoung the normal congos so I hunted around various Jansen branches and got 6 pairs of them.

Initially I just put them in the display tank, but one day I noticed that they were spawning in there (not just going through the motions but actually throwing some eggs).

Put two females in a breeding tank (subdued lighting but sun in the morning, java moss) and conditioned them for two weeks on live mosquito larvae, then added a couple of males and left them for 2 or 3 days. Removed all the adults and then waited.

At first I thought it had all been fruitless as I didn't see any sign of fry, but 5 days after I removed the adults the first free swimming fry were spotted. Water conditions at breeding time were pH = 6.8, 70ppm general hardness and temperature was 26-27 celcius. The fry are happily eating baby brineshrimp and microworms.

This is an idea of what the adults look like:


Image curtesy of Randy's Aquaria

Though the ones I've bred from have more of a violet sheen over the top half of the body (but the difference could just be the lighting).

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Saw some nice ones up at AK in the week-end Rob.

But it was in one of the J shops I visited on my first day up there, and I didn't think I'd be able to keep them in a box for the whole weekend.

As it was not on my route home I failed to get back that way.

So maybe they are still there.

Those were spawning or so close it wasn't funny

Good on you too by the way.

I think that would be another first in NZ??

How many babies??

Alan 104

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Good on you too by the way.

I think that would be another first in NZ??

How many babies??

No one's registered them before, but I know the fish have been imported into NZ before so someone out there may have bred them.

It's hard to tell how many fry there are at the moment but I'd say about 40 (so not huge numbers but enough for me to be happy with).

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Yes , they bred for me once like that Rob . I had a mop in the tank for some killies , saw the fish behaving in a spawning manner and checked for eggs sure enough there were some . But as the water was from the tap i didn't do anything and did not have a spare tank to attempt the real thing.

BE CAREFUL WITH THE FRY, i find this fish VERY scittish .When i feed my fish (before work) at 3am this species GOES NUTS all over the place , just a warning if you didn't already know.

Stu Lord

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