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Heater upgrade.


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Currently I am running all Aquaone glass heaters on my tanks, at 1 watt per litre as recommended. which is around 3000w of heating running through my tank, I am starting to think that this is a bit stupid so I am looking at upgrading my heater. Any suggestions on certrain heaters that are better then others? Most of my heaters are currently 300w. tanks ranging from 1000 litres through to 40 litres

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how cost effective are they? None of my aquaone heaters have failed on me. I realy just want to try and reduce the amount of heating that is running through my tanks if possible

Changing heaters isn't going to decrease the amount of heating required. All resistive heaters are the same efficiency. 1 watt of electricity=1 watt of heat. The only differences you're going to get are price, reliability and accuracy.

If you really wanted to increase efficiency you'll need some kind of heat pump setup.

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Heat pump set up is in the pipe line at the moement, but possibly will not be going for at least 6 months. It just feels silly running 3 or 4 300W heaters to heat 700-1000 Litres when I have seen/read people running half that for the same size tanks. which made me think that the variety of heater that they are using is why they are able to do it

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