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Beginners Tank - Juwel Korall 60


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Hi, new here and new to aquariums.

I have a pond and liked staring at the fishes but never really thought about an aquarium until a few weeks ago.

I wanted something small to play around with and without alarmin the mrs!

I like the shape and size of the Juwel and thought it'd be a good setup.

I've been inspired by the planted tanks and this is the goal.

For the substrate i've gone with JBL, topped with small stones & some sand around. Picked up most of the stuff from Pet Stop in new market.

Have purchased a number of plants from Animates and Hollywood at Mt Roskil.

the tank has been cycled for a week before i added some Tetras and they seem to be doing well! Will look at getting some more fish soon.

Plants are doing ok - i'm just keeping an eye out for them as i dont know if the bundled lighting is going to cut mustard!

i am wanting to grow a plant on the stump to make it look like a tree top, however i am not sure what to get or where to source this. I've seen some with riccia?

looking forward to more reading around this place!


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Welcome to the world of planted fish tanks, it's all downhill from here :P

The Korall 60 is a really nice size for a beginner planted aquarium but creating a good sense of scale can be a bit tricky. The underwater tree has been done to death but if it's what you really want, go with Java or Xmas moss tied to the top of driftwood with cotton thread. After a while the thread will disintegrate and the moss will hold itself to the wood. Although the light is only 15W you may want to consider a liquid carbon supplement such as Flourish Excel to keep the algae away.

A picture says a thousand words, post some photos! 8)

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I've never used Excel before, only DIY CO2 and starting on pressurised CO2 shortly. With most fertilisers it's common practise to wait a month before dosing, but unlike Flourish, Flourish Excel is NOT a fertiliser, it's a carbon supplement to take the place of CO2 in the aquarium. I've never heard of having to wait before using CO2, I'd think that Excel is the same. Best to listen to the experts though, perhaps someone who has used it before can comment?

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